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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bhutan to substitute fossil fuel with green energy sources

The government will gradually phase out subsidy on fossil fuels to encourage conservation and switch to alternative fuel sources

Implementation of the Thimphu Statement on Climate Change

Experts from the South Asian countries including Bhutan discussed the implementation of Thimphu Statement on Climate Change at the Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi last week.

No White-bellied Heron chicks this year

In what may be a drawback for the conservation of the endangered white-bellied heron, there has been no hatching reported this year.

Leaked report reveals big climate change assessment

The leaked draft report from the IPCC has been grabbing headlines all over the world this week

A regional roadmap for GLOF risk reduction

GLOF poses a serious threat to people and nature in the high mountains as well as downstream

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Green hydropower project in Bhutan honored

The Green Power Development Project in Bhutan is the first certified cross-border clean development mechanism project in the world and was recently honored by the US Treasury.  Pic: ADB

The ADB’s Green Power Development Project in Bhutan is one of the five international development projects honored by the U.S Treasury

Less conservation priority species at greater risk

Most species at greatest risk from climate change are not currently conservation priorities, finds an IUCN study

Climate change forecasts can predict crop failures

Scientists have discovered that climate data can help predict some crop failures several months before harvest.(PhotoFlickr.comparker Knight)

The new findings could allow farmers in poor countries to receive better harvest in years with food growing conditions and build resiliency for the other years

Friday, March 22, 2013

Bhutan to join hundreds of other countries to observe the Earth Hour as the clock strikes 8:30pm tonight

Last year, more than 5,200 cities and towns in 135 countries worldwide switched off their lights for Earth Hour 2011, sending a powerful message for action on climate change